Monday, January 16, 2012

David's passing and tribute slideshow honoring his life with us

Bryan here. It's been a busy, grief-filled week. David passed sometime early in the morning on January 9, 2012. We had the privilege of celebrating his birthday the day before, not knowing what the next day would bring. While we have the joy that he is now perfect in Heaven with Jesus, we still grieve for all of the things that we will never experience with him. There will be no "firsts." There will be no high school or college graduation. There will be no marriage, etc. The weight of his impending death was becoming unbearable. That weight has since lifted and we are left with a longing to be with him in Heaven some day.

All of you are such are support for us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Words cannot express our gratitude. Thank you. Please continue to pray for us. While we will never get over this, I hear the pain lessens with the passage of time.

Attached is a video that Heather and I made that was played at the memorial service took place at Lolo Community Church at 11:00 am today. There was a meal following the service.
Here is the video for those who were not able to attend. Because it is compressed, viewing it at full-screen made the images and text a little blurry. If the streaming takes too long or for a clearer version, click on the following YouTube link:

1 comment:

  1. Bryan and Heather,

    I am so sad for you. can only tell you I pray for you all daily, often more than once. I urge you to keep the blog going in some form or fashion as it is more healing or therapeutic than you may know right now. May God bless and keep you.
